Behind the Scenes in Folkestone

One thing we have learnt about running your own business is you have to constantly adapt! Way back in March we got together (via Zoom of course) with the amazingly talented Sophie Ward.  Sophie’s positive typography, especially during these trying times, was a perfect fit for Smith Webb and we were eager to collaborate. Thankfully she agreed and together we have created a collection centred on embracing a joyful approach to life which is ultimately based on her best selling 'Happy House' print. The rest should be easy, right?…. We met with a printer in lock down and as the weeks slowly ticked away we weren’t 100% sure if this design would ever make it off the drawing board.  Finally in May...

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Help for Veterans

When a member of the British military retires from active service and returns to civilian life, the adjustments required can be significant. Unmarried soldiers with no children may have no dependents, but if they have been serving overseas the idea of finding a new home via a private let can be somewhat daunting.

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Anxiety and Me - Lillie Farrow

I don’t think I was aware of mental health until about 3 or 4 years ago. That statement in itself is just absolutely mental in itself. I think now when we are surrounded by people who talk/campaign/blog/share their mental health stories I can’t help but question why it wasn’t on my list of things that I should be thinking about and taking care of daily. Social Media has a lot to answer for. It has created a career for me that I didn’t even know existed, it has created friendships and connections that I value, allowed me to feel less alone when I am feeling my worst... I would say it is probably the reason I know more about my...

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Self Care and Me - by Gemma Capocci

I didn’t become pregnant and think I was going to be a terrible parent.  I worried I wouldn’t have a clue what I was doing, sure.  But I felt fairly confident I was going to be a good mum – a fun mum, a happy mum.   Yet as I sat on my sofa, listening to my baby cry in her cot for what seemed like the millionth time, I felt like none of those things.  Instead I felt stuck, trapped; with a feeling of despair I had never experienced before.  I was a long way from the happy mum I wanted to be, and instead all I felt an overwhelming sense of doom and failure.  I longed for something to...

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Be Kind - Danny Chambers and Rosie Allister

At any veterinary conference you will see dozens of vets wearing sweaters emblazoned with Be Kind. Here’s why.   Most people probably assume being a vet is a dream job. This is in many ways true because most vets started dreaming about helping animals since they were in primary school.    There are many exhilarating moments in the life of a vet, for example attending calvings at night and successfully bringing a new life into the world against all the odds. Or treating beloved pets who are considered to be members of their family - sometimes a dog or cat can be that person’s only companion.    However, many people will be surprised to learn that vets struggle with mental...

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